我相信,大家都知道買[美國直購] i-Blason Apple iPad Pro 9.7吋 Leather Book 黑色 平板 保護套 皮套 站立式 可放信用卡要在網路上找便宜
如果你今天買了[美國直購] i-Blason Apple iPad Pro 9.7吋 Leather Book 黑色 平板 保護套 皮套 站立式 可放信用卡 ,可是售後服務卻不好
[美國直購] i-Blason Apple iPad Pro 9.7吋 Leather Book 黑色 平板 保護套 皮套 站立式 可放信用卡 是在下面平台購買的
[美國直購] i-Blason Apple iPad Pro 9.7吋 Leather Book 黑色 平板 保護套 皮套 站立式 可放信用卡詳細介紹如下~你可以參考看看唷
Beautifully Crafted, Leather Slim Book Case for Apple iPad Pro 2016 (9.7 inch)
Premium quality Synthetic Leather Case with innovative no-scratch inner material
Form-fitting hard shell case secures your tablet in place
Innovative Design with functional Holders for ID, Credit Cards, and Cash
Converts into a stand case with different viewing angles for hands-free viewing
Keep everything you need in one place with i-Blason iPad Pro 2016 9.7 Inch Hybrid Slim Book Case with Stand. Crafted with Premium quality synthetic leather, this case is beautifully crafted and fully functional. Slip your new iPad Pro in a form-fitting hard shell case that protects and secures your tablet while innovative lining ensures your screen will stay scratch free when case is opened and closed. Hold you ID, Credit Cards, and Cash all in one place with integrated slots, and take your case with you on the go with stand case that allows you to prop up your tablet and watch your favorite shows on the go.
Product Dimensions 9.6 x 7 x 0.9 inches
Item Weight 15.2 ounces
Shipping Weight 15.2 ounces
Item model number iPadPro9.7-Leatherbook-Black
[美國直購] i-Blason Apple iPad Pro 9.7吋 Leather Book 黑色 平板 保護套 皮套 站立式 可放信用卡 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
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